823 exhibitions
Ugo Rondinone
everyone gets lighter
Kunsthalle Helsinki
Douglas Gordon
In my Shadow
ARoS Museum, Aarhus
Été indien
Mennour, 47 rue Saint-André-des-Arts
Neïl Beloufa
La morale de l’histoire
Mennour, 6 Rue du Pont de Lodi
Gina Pane
I remember Earth
Le Magasin des horizons, Grenoble
Marie Bovo
Mennour, 6 Rue du Pont de Lodi
Hicham Berrada
Garden of Earthly Delights
Martin-Gropius-Bau, Berlin
Gina Pane
The Feminist Avant-Garde of the 1970s
CCCB, Barcelona
Huang Yong Ping
Thousand Hands Kuanyin
Red Brick Art Museum, Chaoyang
Shen Yuan
The Well
Red Brick Art Museum, Chaoyang
Pier Paolo Calzolari
Villa Medicis, Rome
Freiheit und Baum
Kunsthalle Mainz, Allemagne
Daniel Buren
Dive into Light
Gwangju Design Biennale
Hicham Berrada
Hayward Gallery, Londres
Mohamed Bourouissa
Rencontres Photographiques d’Arles
Huang Yong Ping
American Kitchen and Chinese Cockroaches
Garage Museum, Moscow
Petrit Halilaj
Homeless souls
Louisiana Museum, Copenhagen
Neïl Beloufa, Camille Henrot & Pierre Molinier
Futures of Love
Magasins Généraux
Hicham Berrada
Paysages Générés
Louvre-Lens Museum
Pier Paolo Calzolari
Painting as a Butterfly
Museo MADRE, Naples
Douglas Gordon
the anatomy of my desire
Mennour, 47 rue Saint-André-des-Arts
Latifa Echakhch, Magnolias
Mennour, 51 Brook Street, London
Lee Ufan
From Point, From Line: 1976-1982
Mennour, 28 avenue Matignon
Petrit Halilaj
The Palace at 4am
NEON, Mykonos
Cameron Jamie
May You Live In Interesting Times
Venice Biennale
Neïl Beloufa
May You Live In Interesting Times
Venice Biennale
Daniel Buren
Gigantisme - Art & Industrie
Frac Grand Large, Dunkerque
Latifa Echakhch
Fondazione Memmo, Rome
Lee Ufan
The Challenging Souls: Yves Klein, Lee Ufan, Ding Yi
Power Station of Art, Shanghai
Daniel Buren
Caravage / Daniel Buren
Mennour, 6 Rue du Pont de Lodi
Bertrand Lavier
Mennour, 5 rue du Pont de Lodi
Bertrand Lavier
Suite Paris
Le Bristol Hotel, Paris
Robin Rhode
The Broken Wall
Mennour, 28 avenue Matignon
Gina Pane
Alicja Kwade
MET Rooftop, New York
Reflexões sobre espaço e tempo
Nara Roesler, São Paulo