TEFAF Maastricht
7 mars - 15 mars 2020
TEFAF Maastricht
Trees of the forest, you truly know my soul!
—Victor Hugo, “To the Trees”, Contemplations, 1843
Kamel Mennour is delighted to be participating in TEFAF Maastricht. In a specially curated booth the gallery is presenting a selection
of pieces questioning the concept of romantic landscape.
This project combines a series of large works by Ugo Rondinone – including a golden sun in bronze and dark olive trees (cast in resin, then reworked with earth and dried flowers) – with historical and contemporary works.
These gnarled, wind-racked trunks will be shown interacting with contemporary and romantic works by Latifa Echakhch, Alicja Kwade, Hicham Berrada, Tadashi Kawamata, Lee Ufan and Zao Wou-Ki.
The exhibition also brings together older works by masters such as Victor Hugo, Odilon Redon, and Eugène Carrière, thus creating
a poetical dialogue between various periods.
The ensemble forms a mental landscape amid the turmoil of our inner winds. The effect of this romantic vision of nature is striking: art seems to halt time's arrow, while paradoxically underscoring our ephemerality.
Artistes présentés
Hicham Berrada
Tadashi Kawamata
Alicja Kwade
Ufan Lee
Ugo Rondinone