Maquettes 1983-2015
I’ve never considered my work as either sculpture or
installation, it’s not what I’m interested in (…). I always say
to myself that I’m ‘in-between’, I prefer this
floating category, I’m in-between architecture and sculpture,
or in-between architecture and the environment. [1]
[1] Interview with Frederic Migayrou in Kawamata, catalogue, Atelier
Calder, Orléans; CCC, Tours, 1994, p. 112
In Tadashi Kawamata’s studio, you will find paper cutouts alongside
maquettes, constructions made out of cardboard together with
scavenged objects. Kawamata works alone on his maquettes, and if his
spectacular and monumental...Read more
installation, it’s not what I’m interested in (…). I always say
to myself that I’m ‘in-between’, I prefer this
floating category, I’m in-between architecture and sculpture,
or in-between architecture and the environment. [1]
[1] Interview with Frederic Migayrou in Kawamata, catalogue, Atelier
Calder, Orléans; CCC, Tours, 1994, p. 112
In Tadashi Kawamata’s studio, you will find paper cutouts alongside
maquettes, constructions made out of cardboard together with
scavenged objects. Kawamata works alone on his maquettes, and if his
spectacular and monumental...Read more