
Born in 1942 in Cotonou, Benin 
Lives and works in Cotonou and Hamburg

Georges Adéagbo (1942 in Benin, then Dahomey) is a conceptual artist who has been developing his own style of using found objects since the early 1970s in Cotonou, Benin. When out on walks he gathers items that have been lost or thrown away, and incorporates them into his installations.


“L’œuvre d’art d’Aby Warburg et les œuvres d’art des artistes”...!, Hamburger Kunsthalle


“Create to Free Yourselves: Abraham Lincoln and the History of Freeing Slaves in America”, President Lincoln‘s Cottage, Washington DC


“Ouidah d’hier et Ouidah d’aujourd’hui”, Atlantic, Ouidah, Benin

”À l’école de Ernest Barlach, le sculpteur”, Ernst Barlach Haus, Hamburg


“La Philosophie de l‘art…” & “L‘Eau, la clé…”, Musée d’art et d’histoire Genève, Maison Tavel, Geneva, Switzerland

“La lumière qui fait le bonheur...”, KINDL, Berlin