Born in 1977 in Martigny, Switzerland
Lives and works there
A poacher artist, he bases his practice on appropriation strategies. Heir to pop art, and a resident of Valais, he looks at the landscapes he lives in. The works of art in public spaces or Swiss museums and foundations, the objects surrounding them, or the architecture of the Valais are sources of inspiration for the artist, which he diverts in a logic of subversion and play.
“Ravage with Pink Granite (After Tommasini)”, Chapelle des Élus, Dijon, France
Galerie Eva Presenhuber, Vienna
“Bonjour Serpent !”, Mennour, Paris
“Barking Panting Sighs Heavenly”, David Kordansky Gallery, Los Angeles, USA
“Ovals in the Dark”, Wilde Gallery, Geneva, Switzerland
“And So America Opened Up”, Galerie Eva Presenhuber, New York

© Valentin Carron.