
Born in 1978 in Blida, Algeria
Lives and works in Paris, France

Preceded by a long immersion phase, each of Mohamed Bourouissa’s projects builds a new enunciation situation. With a critical take on mass media images, his artworks reintroduce complexity in contemporary society’s representations. The subjects of his photographs, sculptures and videos are often people “left behind”, at the crossroads of integration and exclusion. Kamel Mennour and Mohamed Bourouissa have been working together since 2010.
“Quartier de Femmes”, Festival d’automne, Théâtre du Rond Point, Paris
“Kermesse”, Contemporaine de Nîmes, Nîmes, France
“SIGNAL”, solo show, Palais de Tokyo, Paris
“Attracteur étrange”, LaM, Villeneuve-d’Ascq, France
“Quartier de Femme”, T2G, Théâtre de Gennevilliers, France
“Solo show in The Mediterranean: A Round Sea”, ARCO Madrid 2023

© Mohamed Bourouissa, Adagp, Paris, 2025.