Valentin Carron

Born in 1977 in Martigny (Switzerland), VALENTIN CARRON lives and works in the Swiss Canton of Valais.

A graduate of the École des Beaux-Arts de Sion and ECAL, his work has been the subject of many solo exhibitions, including at Kunsthalle Bern; Le Consortium, Dijon; the Palais de Tokyo in Paris; the Centro de Arte Contemporáneo La Conservera de Ceutí, Murcia; Kunsthalle, Zürich; the Swiss Institute, New York; and the Centre d’Art Contemporain de Genève.

He presented his works in group exhibitions at the Kunst Museum Winterthur, in Switzerland, the Fondation Van Gogh, Arles; the Sculpture Center in New York; the mudac, Lausanne; the Migros Museum Für Gegenwartskunst, Zurich; the Kunsthaus, Aarau; the Consortium, in Dijon; the Rubell Family Collection in Miami; the Musée cantonal des Beaux-Arts of Lausanne; and the CAPC contemporary museum of Bordeaux.

Valentin Carron represented Switzerland at the 55th Venice Biennale in 2013, embodying the country’s revitalised art scene.

A poacher artist, he bases his practice on appropriation strategies. Heir to pop art, and a resident of Valais, he looks at the landscapes he lives in. The works of art in public spaces or Swiss museums and foundations, the objects surrounding them, or the architecture of the Valais are sources of inspiration for the artist, which he diverts in a logic of subversion and play.
Valentin Carron’s work is all about matter and transubstantiation. Although his works take up well-known archetypal forms, the artist gives them a new content. His works play with the ambiguity of materials. Through the switch of material, he allows himself to reinterpret certain motifs and works of art. From granite to resin, from leather to glass, he pays homage with humour and casualness to sculptures from the past.
Valentin Carron thus deconstructs codes and hierarchies in art, highlighting forms that have fallen into disuse. The content, the form, and the meaning the three keys to understanding his work, which is itself in perpetual transformation.

Kamel Mennour and Valentin Carron have been working together since 2015.


Exhibition view, kamel mennour, Paris - © Mennour
Exhibition view, kamel mennour, Paris, 2022
L'homme et l'enfant III - © Mennour
L’homme et l’enfant III, 2022
Untitled - © Mennour
Untitled, 2021
Exhibition view, Museum im Bellpark, Kriens - © Mennour
Exhibition view, Museum im Bellpark, Kriens, 2021
Exhibition view, Barrage de Mauvoisin - © Mennour
Exhibition view, Barrage de Mauvoisin, 2020
Exhibition view, Le Consortium, Dijon - © Mennour
Exhibition view, Le Consortium, Dijon, 2020
Exhibition view, kamel mennour, London - © Mennour
Exhibition view, kamel mennour, London, 2019
merci gustavE - © Mennour
merci gustavE, 2019
Exhibition view, Le Consortium, Dijon - © Mennour
Exhibition view, Le Consortium, Dijon, 2020
Disgust And Tonic - © Mennour
Disgust And Tonic, 2019
A Cold Man Advancing - © Mennour
A Cold Man Advancing, 2014
The great object (after André Gigon) - © Mennour
The great object (after André Gigon), 2014
Gradient, Neon and Dog - © Mennour
Gradient, Neon and Dog, 2017
Exhibition view, kamel mennour, Paris - © Mennour
Exhibition view, kamel mennour, Paris, 2015
The sour ricotta stands out and laughed blindly - © Mennour
The sour ricotta stands out and laughed blindly, 2016
Exhibition view, Art Unlimited, Basel - © Mennour
Exhibition view, Art Unlimited, Basel, 2019
I quattro uccelli - © Mennour
I quattro uccelli, 2017
Exhibition view, kamel mennour, Paris - © Mennour
Exhibition view, kamel mennour, Paris, 2017
Exhibition view, Kunsthalle Zurich - © Mennour
Exhibition view, Kunsthalle Zurich, 2007
Exhibition view, Le Consortium, Dijon - © Mennour
Exhibition view, Le Consortium, Dijon, 2020
Lamento in grigio e rosso - © Mennour
Lamento in grigio e rosso, 2016
Belt hanging on the wall - © Mennour
Belt hanging on the wall, 2014
Exhibition view, Palais de Tokyo, Paris - © Mennour
Exhibition view, Palais de Tokyo, Paris, 2010
Exhibition view, Swiss Pavilion, 55th Venice Biennale - © Mennour
Exhibition view, Swiss Pavilion, 55th Venice Biennale, 2013
Débris - © Mennour
Débris, 2014
Acajou ciel olive - © Mennour
Acajou ciel olive, 2018
Exhibition view, Galerie Art et Essai, Rennes - © Mennour
Exhibition view, Galerie Art et Essai, Rennes, 2018
Exhibition view, Kunsthalle Bern - © Mennour
Exhibition view, Kunsthalle Bern, 2014
Teflon longways Wearily - © Mennour
Teflon longways Wearily, 2013
Untitled - © Mennour
Untitled, 2015
Exhibition view, Lübecker Kunstverein, Lübeck - © Mennour
Exhibition view, Lübecker Kunstverein, Lübeck, 2015
La main dans le marbre - © Mennour
La main dans le marbre, 2017
Exhibition view, Galerie Art et Essai, Rennes - © Mennour
Exhibition view, Galerie Art et Essai, Rennes, 2018
Exhibition view, Kunsthalle Zurich - © Mennour
Exhibition view, Kunsthalle Zurich, 2007
Exhibition view, kamel mennour, Paris - © Mennour
Exhibition view, kamel mennour, Paris, 2015
Père et fils - © Mennour
Père et fils, 2014
Exhibition view, Galerie Art et Essai, Rennes - © Mennour
Exhibition view, Galerie Art et Essai, Rennes, 2018
Exhibition view, Centre d'Edition Contemporaine, Genève - © Mennour
Exhibition view, Centre d’Edition Contemporaine, Genève, 2016
Quatre coups de marteau - © Mennour
Quatre coups de marteau, 2016
Exhibition view, kamel mennour, Paris - © Mennour
Exhibition view, kamel mennour, Paris, 2017
Exhibition view, Swiss Pavilion, 55th Venice Biennale - © Mennour
Exhibition view, Swiss Pavilion, 55th Venice Biennale, 2013
Le losange le carré la bouteille - © Mennour
Le losange le carré la bouteille, 2017
Exhibition view, Art Basel - © Mennour
Exhibition view, Art Basel, 2009
Feu ultra fonce - © Mennour
Feu ultra fonce, 2018
Exhibition view, Kunsthalle Zurich - © Mennour
Exhibition view, Kunsthalle Zurich, 2007

Exhibitions & News

Valentin Carron - Le Consortium - © Mennour
Valentin Carron, Ravage with pink granite (after Tommasini)
5 June — 18 September 2023
Chapelle des Élus, Dijon
Valentin Carron - Tichy Ocean Foundation - © Mennour
Valentin Carron, Valentin Carron & Jacques Chessex
15 April — 27 May 2023
Tichy Ocean Foundation, Zürich
Valentin Carron - Fondation Vincent van Gogh Arles - © Mennour
Valentin Carron, Nature humaine – Humaine nature
11 November 2022 — 10 April 2023
Fondation Vincent van Gogh Arles
Le Salon de musique - © Mennour
Group show, Le Salon de musique
3 February — 18 March 2023
Opening 03 February 2023, 18:00
Mennour, 6 rue du Pont de Lodi, Paris 6
Bonjour Monsieur Serpent ! - © Mennour
Valentin Carron, Bonjour Monsieur Serpent !
8 December 2022 — 28 January 2023
Opening 08 December 2022, 18:00
Mennour, 5 rue du Pont de Lodi, Paris 6
Valentin Carron - Esch‑sur‑Alzette - © Mennour
Valentin Carron, Nothing Is Permanent
17 June — 11 November 2022
François Morellet - Musée d’art et d'histoire de Genève - © Mennour
Valentin Carron, Alicja Kwade, François Morellet, 10 milliards d’années
22 July — 30 October 2022
Musée d’art et d'histoire, Geneva
Valentin Carron - Aargauer Kunsthaus - © Mennour
Valentin Carron, Ugo Rondinone, Before · Between · Beyond
15 May — 7 August 2022
Aargauer Kunsthaus, Aarau
Valentin Carron - Museum im Bellpark - © Mennour
Valentin Carron, La petite Californie
20 November 2021 — 27 February 2022
Museum im Bellpark, Kriens
Ann Veronica Janssens  - KANAL - © Mennour
Valentin Carron, Ann Veronica Janssens, Ugo Rondinone, It Never Ends
24 September 2020 — 25 April 2021
Kanal — Centre Pompidou, Brussels
On the Razor’s Edge - © Mennour
Valentin Carron, Michel François, Douglas Gordon, Petrit Halilaj, Alfredo Jaar, Ugo Rondinone, On the Razor’s Edge
18 August 2020 — 14 February 2021
Museo Jumex, Mexico
Valentin Carron - Le Consortium - © Mennour
Valentin Carron, Zéro Virgule Nul
13 March — 18 October 2020
Le Consortium, Dijon
Valentin Carron - Musée de Bagnes - © Mennour
Valentin Carron, Un Ami Simple
20 June — 4 October 2020
Barrage de Mauvoisin


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