Philippe Parreno

Born in 1964 in Oran (Algeria), PHILIPPE PARRENO lives and works in Paris. He studied at the École des Beaux-Arts in Grenoble and at the Institut des Hautes Études en arts plastiques at the Palais de Tokyo in Paris. Since the 1990s, Philippe Parreno’s reputation has been built on his work’s originality and on the diversity and variety of his practice. He views the exhibition as a medium, an object in its own right, an experience whose every possibility he seeks to explore. Preferring projects to objects, Philippe Parreno began examining different approaches to narration and representation in the 1990s, through film, sculpture, performance, drawing and text. Kamel Mennour and Philippe Parreno have been working together since 2016.

His work has been exhibited at the Museo Jumex, Mexico City (2017/18); at the Rockbund Art Museum, Shanghai (2017); at the Serralves Contemporary Art Museum, Porto (2017); at ACMI, Melbourne (2016/17); at the Hyundai Commission 2016 for the Turbine Hall at Tate Modern, London (2016); at Hangar Bicocca, Milan (2015); Park Avenue Armory, New York (2015); Palais de Tokyo, Paris (2013/14); Fondation Beyeler, Basel (2012); Serpentine Gallery, London (2010), among others.

Philippe Parreno’s work is represented, among others, in the following collections: Centre Pompidou, Paris; Kanazawa Museum of the 21st Century, Japan; Musée d’art moderne de la Ville de Paris; Musée du Luxembourg, Luxembourg; San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, San Francisco; Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York; Tate Modern, London; Irish Museum of Modern Art, Dublin; LACMA, Los Angeles; MoMA, New York; MUSAC, Spain; Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles; National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa; Van Abbemuseum, Eindhoven; Watari Museum of Contemporary Art, Tokyo; Walker Art Centre, Minneapolis; Daimler Contemporary, Berlin; and the Beyeler Foundation, Basel.


Exhibitions & News

Zidane - MEP - © Mennour
Douglas Gordon, Philippe Parreno, Zidane, un portrait du XXIe siècle
19 September 2024
Maison Européenne de la Photographie, Paris
Philippe Parreno & Douglas Gordon - Philharmonie de Paris - © Mennour
Douglas Gordon, Philippe Parreno, Zidane, un portrait du XXIe siècle
5 October 2023 — 7 January 2024
Philharmonie de Paris
Ugo Rondinone - LUMA Arles - © Mennour
Philippe Parreno, Ugo Rondinone, Collection Maja Hoffmann / LUMA Foundation : The Impermanent Display II
14 April 2022 — 31 January 2023
LUMA Arles
Philippe Parreno - Bourse de Commerce - © Mennour
Philippe Parreno, Ouverture
22 May 2021 — 1 July 2022
Bourse de Commerce — Pinault Collection, Paris
Philippe Parreno - Fondation Beyeler - © Mennour
Philippe Parreno, La Quinta del Sordo
10 October 2021 — 23 January 2022
Fondation Beyeler, Basel
Simultanément, travaux in situ et en mouvement - © Mennour
Daniel Buren, Philippe Parreno, Simultanément, travaux in situ et en mouvement
5 December 2020 — 7 May 2021
Opening 05 December 2020, 11:00
Mennour, 5 rue du Pont de Lodi, Paris 6
Group show - © Mennour
Mohamed Bourouissa, Daniel Buren, Michel François, Camille Henrot, Anish Kapoor, Tadashi Kawamata, Christodoulos Panayiotou, Philippe Parreno, Ugo Rondinone, Group show
16 January — 6 March 2021
Mennour, 47 rue Saint-André-des-Arts, Paris 6
Winter 2020 - © Mennour
Group show, Winter 2020
28 November 2020 — 15 January 2021
Mennour, 47 rue Saint-André-des-Arts, Paris 6
It's urgent! - © Mennour
Mohamed Bourouissa, Camille Henrot, Huang Yong Ping, Philippe Parreno, It’s urgent!
27 June — 27 September 2020
Luma Arles
Zidane: A 21st Century Portrait I Outdoor presentation at Louisiana Museum of Modern Art - © Mennour
Douglas Gordon, Philippe Parreno, Zidane: A 21st Century Portrait I Outdoor presentation at Louisiana Museum of Modern Art
23 June — 16 August 2020
Louisiana Museum of Modern Art
Luogo e Segni, Punta Della Dogana - © Mennour
Ann Veronica Janssens, Hicham Berrada, Philippe Parreno, Luogo e Segni
24 March — 15 December 2019
Pinault Collection, Punta della Dogana, Venice

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