Over Flow

This catalogue focuses on an immersive one-year project in Portugal, centered around questions of global ecology and tourism. Kawamata's large scale installation integrates both plastic residues and abandoned boats collected on Portugal's shores during beach cleaning campaigns. The publication features a text by the artist, exhibition views, and a section documenting related projects made by Kawamata throughout his career.

Published on the occasion of the eponymous exhibition at MAAT – Museu de Arte, Arquitetura e Tecnologia, Lisbon, from October 4, 2018, to April 1, 2019.

Tadashi Kawamata (born 1953 in Japan, lives and works in Tokyo and Paris) has made in situ art throughout the world and was artistic director of the Yokohama Triennale in 2005. His work concerns itself with architectural space as an urban or designed social context or product. A careful study of the human relations that define it and the way of life which results from it allows him each time to determine progressively the nature of his project. His pieces, for the most part temporary, are generally made from timber sometimes from salvage material from the immediate vicinity. Tadashi Kawamata's pieces recreate connections between the past and the present, between outside and inside, between the actual and the potential: they reveal another identity to the spaces, highlighting the invisible but quite real aspect of their cultural and social dimension. The creation of a community with which he shares the research and physical work is the drive and basis for each of his projects, as we can see with the experience of Saint-Thélo.

published in December 2018
English edition
17 x 24 cm (softcover)
96 pages (color ill.)
co-edition: kamel mennour / MAAT / Fundação EDP

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