Mennour Emergence

10 November 2023 — 30 March 2024

To support artists in the early stages of their career, the Mennour Institute is launching a new advisory programme: “Mennour Emergence”. Each year, six young graduates from French art schools will receive support to set up a group exhibition in one of the Mennour galleries in Paris.

“Mennour Emergence” is a project initiated by Jessy Mansuy, Global Executive Director of Mennour. The exhibitions are curated by Christian Alandete, Scientific Director of Mennour.
The programme includes a total grant of €15,000 for the production of the works, i.e. €2,500 per artist, as well as full support in preparing a first group exhibition in a major gallery: curating, production, logistics and communication.

A call for applications is launched each year at the beginning of November and remains open until mid-December. It is sent exclusively to graduates of the Mennour Institute’s partner schools.

Applications are examined by a committee made up of professionals recognised for their commitment to emerging creation, whose permanent members are:
· Christian Alandete, Scientific Director,
· Jessy Mansuy, Global Executive Director,
· Sylvie Patry, Artistic Director,
from the Mennour’s executive committee,
· Anna Labouze and Keimis Henni, founders of Artagon.

The committee is chaired by Kamel Mennour and supplemented by guest personalities. In 2023:

· Rebecca Lamarche-Vadel, Director of Lafayette Anticipations,
· Armelle Pradalier, head of mediation and cultural events at Beaux-Arts de Paris.

“Artists inspire us and teach us the courage to face reality. With Mennour Emergence, I’m delighted to showcase the energy of young artists and to help launch their careers by passing on my professional experience and that of my team.”
— Kamel Mennour, founder of Mennour and the Mennour Institute

“The gallery has been close to young artists from the beginning. Kamel Mennour spotted artists such as Camille Henrot and Mohamed Bourouissa very early on, and then support them throughout their careers. Twenty-five years on, Mennour continues to champion the work of new generations such as Ymane Chabi-Gara and Dhewadi Hadjab.
To reinforce this commitment, I have devised this unique programme. “Emergence” focuses on the collective and aims to support artists in one of the first decisive stages of their careers.
I think it’s essential that Mennour continues to act as a springboard for the voices of the new generation.”
— Jessy Mansuy, Global Executive Director of Mennour and initiator of the “Mennour Emergence” programme


Mennour Emergence - © Mennour

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