
AVJ - Pirelli HangarBicocca - © Mennour
Ann Veronica Janssens, Grand Bal
6 April — 30 July 2023
Pirelli HangarBicocca, Milan
Daniel Buren - La Scala Avignon - © Mennour
Daniel Buren, Un fauteuil pour les yeux
7 — 29 July 2023
La Scala Provence, Avignon
Hicham Berrada - Festival d'Aix-en-Provence - © Mennour
Hicham Berrada, Picture a day like this, Festival d’Aix-en-Provence
5 — 23 July 2023
Théâtre du Jeu de Paume, Aix-en-Provence
Michel François - Bozar Bruxelles - © Mennour
Michel François, Contre nature
16 March — 21 July 2023
Bozar Brussels
Alicja Kwade - h3h - © Mennour
Alicja Kwade, Faith
3 June — 16 July 2023
h3h biënnale, Oosterhout
François Morellet - Kunstmuseum Wolfsburg - © Mennour
François Morellet, Re-Inventing Piet. Mondrian and the Consequences
11 March — 16 July 2023
Kunstmuseum Wolfsburg
Zineb Sedira - Gwangju Biennale - © Mennour
Zineb Sedira, Gwangju Biennale Pavilion
7 April — 9 July 2023
Zineb Sedira - Institut français du Royaume-Uni - © Mennour
Zineb Sedira, Resisting with Cinema: an Evening Curated by Zineb Sedira
5 July 2023
Ciné Lumière, London
Ugo Rondinone - Podo Museum - © Mennour
Ugo Rondinone, YET, WITH LOVE
5 July 2022 — 3 July 2023
PODO Museum, Seogwipo
Zineb Sedira - Bienal'23 Fotografia do Porto - © Mennour
Zineb Sedira, Deep Blue
18 May — 2 July 2023
Bienal'23 Fotografia do Porto
Mohamed Bourouissa - T2G - © Mennour
Mohamed Bourouissa, Kermesse artistique
1 July 2023
Place Indira Gandhi, T2G Théâtre de Gennevilliers
Judit Reigl - Tate Modern - © Mennour
Judit Reigl, The Disappearing Figure: Art after Catastrophe
1 September 2022 — 30 June 2023
Tate Modern, London
Hicham Berrada & Petrit Halilaj - Sammlung Philara - © Mennour
Hicham Berrada, Petrit Halilaj, Breathing Water, Drinking Air
12 August 2022 — 25 June 2023
Sammlung Philara, Düsseldorf
Conversation with Philippe Dagen & Sylvie Patry - © Mennour
Conversation with Philippe Dagen & Sylvie Patry
20 June 2023
Mennour, 47 rue Saint-André-des-Arts, Paris 6
Ugo Rondinone - Musée d’art et d'histoire, Geneva - © Mennour
Ugo Rondinone, when the sun goes down and the moon comes up
26 January — 18 June 2023
Musée d’art et d’histoire, Geneva
Meet the artist • Mohammad AlFaraj in conversation with Arnaud Morand - © Mennour
Meet the artist • Mohammad AlFaraj in conversation with Arnaud Morand
7 June 2023
Mennour, 5 rue du Pont de Lodi, Paris 6
Pierre Molinier - Centre d’Art Contemporain Genève - © Mennour
Pierre Molinier, Chrysalide : le rêve du papillon
25 January — 4 June 2023
Centre d’Art Contemporain Genève
Zineb Sedira - Fondation Boghossian - © Mennour
Zineb Sedira, Family Matters
2 March — 28 May 2023
Fondation Boghossian - Villa Empain, Brussels
Ymane Chabi-Gara - MASC - Musée d'Art moderne et contemporain - © Mennour
Ymane Chabi-Gara, Voir en peinture, La jeune figuration en France
5 February — 28 May 2023
MASC - Musée d'Art moderne et contemporain, Les Sables d’Olonne
Valentin Carron - Tichy Ocean Foundation - © Mennour
Valentin Carron, Valentin Carron & Jacques Chessex
15 April — 27 May 2023
Tichy Ocean Foundation, Zürich
Maryan - Tel Aviv Museum of Art - © Mennour
The Estate of Maryan, My Name is Maryan
20 December 2022 — 27 May 2023
Tel Aviv Museum of Art
Eugène Carrière - Photo Élysée - © Mennour
Eugène Carrière, Flou, une histoire photographique
3 March — 21 May 2023
Photo Élysée, Lausanne
Judit Reigl - Whitechapel Gallery - © Mennour
Judit Reigl, Action, Gesture, Paint: Women Artists and Global Abstraction 1940-70
9 February — 7 May 2023
Whitechapel Gallery, London
Mohamed Bourouissa - Magasins généraux - © Mennour
Mohamed Bourouissa, Collaboration with Hugo Servanin
17 March — 7 May 2023
Magasins généraux, Pantin

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