MOHAMMAD ALFARAJ — The Date Fruit of Knowledge

After winning acclaim at the last Lyon Biennale, Mohammad AlFaraj (born in 1993 in Al-Ahsa, Saudi Arabia) presents himself as a storyteller for his first solo exhibition in France, at Mennour gallery.

Solo exhibition
Mennour, 5 rue du Pont de Lodi, Paris
June 1 – July 22, 2023

© Mohammad AlFaraj, Paris, 2023
The Date Fruit of Knowledge is made as part of the AlUla Artist Residency, a programme co-founded by the Royal Commission for AlUla (RCU) and the French Agency for AlUla Development (Afalula).
Photo. Archives Mennour
Video. Archives Mennour
Courtesy the artist and Mennour, Paris

Music: Torpor / They Dream By Day / courtesy of

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