Plis contre plan, hauts-reliefs, travaux situés — Conversation with Sylvie Patry

For this new exhibition, “Plis contre plan, hauts-reliefs, travaux situés”, Daniel Buren displays in two of the gallery’s spaces a set of works never previously exhibited in France. They comprise around twenty pieces created between 2021 and 2023. Daniel Buren and Sylvie Patry, Artistic Director of Mennour, talk about the artist’s approach and how he conceived this exhibition.

Solo exhibition
Mennour, 5 & 6 rue du Pont de Lodi, Paris
September 12 - November 25, 2023

© DB-Adagp, Paris, 2023
Photos-souvenirs Daniel Buren
Vidéo-souvenir Archives Mennour
Courtesy of the artist and Mennour, Paris

Music: Cody High / No Cause / courtesy of

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